AD Admin
Continuing our discussions on ad utilities today i will discuss about the most commonly used ad utility adadmin. Adadmin is a utility that performs a number of tasks required from maintaing and administering an Oracle Applications instance.
On a broad level the tasks performed by adadmin can be categorized into database activities and Applications filesystem management tasks.
In addition to these, adadmin in 11.5.10 onwards you can use adadmin to put the system in Maintenance Mode also. Maintenance mode is special mode introducted to facilitate maintenance tasks like patch application.
Before you run adadmin you must ensure the following.
Set your applications environment
Ensure that you have sufficient space in tmp disk.
For certain adadmin task you may require to shutdown your concurrent managers
You can run adadmin by typing adadmin at the command pront afdter seeting the environment.
At the time of execution adadmin prompts you to verify and enter several information pertaining to your applications installation like APPL_TOP location ,ORACLE_HOME.adadmin log file name,batch size etc.
Adadmin can also be run in a non interactive mode. This is accomplished by creating a defaults file.The defaults file must be place at the location $APPL_TOP/admin/[sid]/
You can create the defaults file with the following syntax
$adadmin deafultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/[sid]/samtask.txt
Next time you can run adadmin for the same task by specifying the interactive=no option.
adadmin \
defaultsfile=APPL_TOP/admin/vis/samtask.txt \
logfile=adadmin_091306.log workers=9 \
If your previous session of adadmin had encountred with problems adadmin promts you to either continue with your old session or start with a frest session as show below
Your previous AD Administration session did not run to completion.
Do you wish to continue with your previous AD Administration session [Yes] ?
The main menu of adadmin presents you with the following six choices
AD Administration Main Menu
1. Generate Applications Files menu
2. Maintain Applications Files menu
3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu
4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
5. Change Maintenance Mode
6. Exit AD Administration
First two options are related to maintaining applications file system the second twop options relate to database activities ,the fifth option here is used to put the system in maintenance mode and bring it back from maintenance mode.
Under the Generate Applications Files Menu you can perform the following tasks
Generate Applications Files
1. Generate message files
2. Generate form files
3. Generate report files
4. Generate graphics files
5. Generate product JAR files
6. Return to Main Menu
Under the Maintain Applications Files menu you can perform the following tasks
Maintain Applications Files
1. Relink Applications programs
2. Create Applications environment file
3. Copy files to destinations
4. Convert character set
5. Maintain snapshot information
6. Check for missing files
7. Return to Main Menu
Under the Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu you can perform the following tasks
Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities
1. Compile APPS schema
2. Compile menu information
3. Compile flexfields
4. Reload JAR files to database
5. Return to Main Menu
Under the Maintain Applications Database Entities menu you can perform the following tasks
Maintain Applications Database Entities
1. Validate APPS schema
2. Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema
3. Maintain multi-lingual tables
4. Check DUAL table
5. Maintain Multiple Reporting Currencies schema
6. Return to Main Menu
Under the Change Maintenance Mode you can do the following
Change Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].
Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching
Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on
to the system. See the Oracle Applications Maintenance
Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.
Please select an option:
1. Enable Maintenance Mode
2. Disable Maintenance Mode
3. Return to Main Menu
If you noitice the message this menu selection also shows the maintenance status (disabled in our case) of the system.
You can also forcefully exit adadmin at any point of time by typing 'abort',This will however result in a unclean exit of adadmin and the next time when you run adadmin you will be prompted with the option to start fresh or continue with the previous session as described earlier
To know more about the individual tasks performed by admin refer to the 'Maintaining Oracle Applications Documentation Set' at the applications documentation library.
Nice overview! Thanks.
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